One of the driving factors behind this adventure, is to raise awareness and support for an important service provider in my home state of Tasmania.
Pathways Tasmania is a local not-for-profit organisation that provides hope and empowerment to people. It is the aim of Pathways for people to reach their full potential, living free from addiction, homelessness and other issues that stem from these problems.
By providing residential facilities that allow these high-needs people to have a safe and respectful environment, Pathways Tasmania strives to assist people in breaking the cycle of drugs and alcohol.
Who is Pathways Tasmania?
A Christian organisation, Pathways Tasmania was formed out o the 2012 merger of Launch Youth and Teen Challenge Tasmania (Live Free Tassie). The purpose of the merger was to increase quality and efficiency of both operations by building a pathway between the homelessness services of Launch Youth and the substance abuse programs of Live Free Tassie. In joining together as one organisation, Pathways Tasmania can speak with a united voice on the issues affecting vulnerable Tasmanians.
Around 60-75 people are currently assisted through Pathways Tasmania each year, through key programs in Kingsholme community, Velocity Transformations, and Launch Youth shelter.
It is certainly far from the intention for Pathways to stop there, too. As support grows from both a publicity and financial perspective, the goal is to explore additional complementary programs in the future. As it stands, Velocity Transformations is seeking to open a female Transformations centre in the near future, which will be another great addition in providing substance abuse rehabilitation programs to Tasmanian women.
Please join with me
I hope that you will join me in supporting this vital program in the Tasmanian community. Please take the opportunity to visit the Pathways Tasmania website, and consider partnering with them through either financial support, or volunteering. Thanks.