This is it folks, over the top…
For those of you who know your Angels songs, the chorus sings, “Take a long line and reel it in.”
In 2010, I made the decision to do some mountaineering. I had no idea how far it would take me – if it would take me anywhere at all – but my flesh remained willing, and my body remained able, and therefore the decision was made to give it a go.
Not wishing to start with low objectives, I determined that the Seven Summits would be a noble goal.
If you think that sounds crazy, you’re probably right. My wife certainly agrees with you. When I started this journey, I had no idea how far down the path I would get, however, I am now preparing for the largest of these challenges in Mount Everest, the penultimate pinnacle before I finish the adventure in my home country of Australia.
Why the Seven Summits?
This is a good question, and to be honest, there isn’t a logical answer.
God gives peace in the high places, and God often uses high places to reveal more of himself. In fact I moved, personally, from being atheist to agnostic on the top of a mountain when I looked around and realized that it could not have happened by accident.
I am keen to bring glory to God through this effort, and that is why a part of this effort includes fundraising for Pathways Tasmania and Power to Change. Please view their respective pages and consider supporting one or both of them by what means you may be able.
Please also take the opportunity to visit my reflections on each of the previous peaks climbed.